Billionaire Banshee
Billionaire Banshee
Number of Players: 2-10
Age Group: 18+ (Special Cards Can be removed for use with teens)
Time To Play: Varies
Would your friend date a Billionaire Banshee?
Would your mom deny to spending the rest of her days with a narcoleptic who has a pet unicorn named Mr. Cinnamon? Your knowledge of your friends and families romantic "dos and don'ts" is crucial if you plan to win this game.
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This game is a good game to play with friends - the one downside is that there are several cards in the Banshee cards that are medical conditions (narcolepsy, Tourette’s, etc). As a disabled person, I found this disappointing because we should be past this kind of casual ableism. I removed those cards and enjoy the game much more now.
Awesome game for close friends.
There are blank cards included in case you want to add some fun ideas of your own.
Cute and easy packaging to carry the game around. It's a pretty small box to bring to gatherings.
This is a funny, cute, sometimes inappropriate social game which will probably be my go-to time filler for a while. It scores a "Good"4/5. Go buy it.
I didn't realize it before, but this is an example of a perfect game. It's not something I'd pull out for every group but it is perfect for certain groups and that is exactly what I'm looking for in my collection. Keep in mind, I've logged almost 1900 plays of games, played nearly 800 different games and own about 600 games so I kinda know what I'm talking about.