Hello, Dwellers of Eldervale
Hello, hello! We hope you all are looking forward to the holiday season and have plenty of family and friends gaming time planned!
Delivery Complete!
Happy to report that delivery of the 3rd printing copies of Dwellings of Eldervale is complete!
Pre-orders: All 3rd printing orders have been fulfilled. If you ordered direct from Breaking Games, your order has been shipped. Now is the time to let us know if you have any issues that need resolving.
Retail distribution: The large majority of the 3rd printing has been shipped to regional distributors. Needless to say, sales have been brisk! A few remaining order items are still in the hands of one or two regional distributors, but most are sold out. More of the order items are available in local and online stores. There are many local game stores that do not do online sales, so it is worth visiting your local game stores.
Of course, the majority of the 3rd printing order items are already in your hands and getting played. Enjoy!!
Customer Service
Now is the time to follow up if you have any questions to resolve regarding a 3rd printing order, or discover a lasting issue when you open your game. Please fill out the Customer Service form at BreakingGames.com and we will work to resolve your questions.
All Remaining Inventory Available November 30th
All Remaining 3rd printing order item inventory we have available here at Breaking Games will be sold on breakinggames.com, we will be releasing this stock on November 30 at 2pm Pacific.
We do not guarantee that any one order item will be available. These are small quantities that will likely go fast. Apologies for any inconvenience or frustration should you not be able to purchase what you are looking for. We are making more!
4th Printing Status
The 4th printing files are submitted to the plant!
More Second Edition copies of ALL Dwellings of Eldervale order items (see our pre-order store for the full list) will be made available again when the 4th printing items are available. This includes the special upgrade items needed if you have a First/Kickstarter Standard or Deluxe Edition. We hope they will be available as soon as January, but are not yet announcing an official release date.
Additional Language Versions: Work is being done with partner publishers to make Dwellings of Eldervale available in more languages, but these new versions will not be fully bundled with English language printings to avoid the horrific delays we all lived thru in 2023. We will have more news when these versions have a release date set. Distribution, sales, and customer service for all non-English language versions is in the hands of our partner publishers.
Monstrous Edits
While the 4th printing of Dwellings of Eldervale will be nearly identical to all previous Second Edition printings - and no errata has ever been released for Dwellings of Eldervale - we are always looking to get past any confusion the rulebook language can spark. Sharp eyes will catch many small tweaks to language, fixing of typos, and graphics updates with each printing.
The 4th printing files include a rewrite of some Monster page (p. 18) sections to clarify how Monster Abilities and Dominating Monsters works in a play of Dwellings of Eldervale. IN FACT: Much of this new language has been posted on BGG since Oct 2nd. Feel free to double check to see if you have been “playing according to the rules”.

Picture by Mark Dandridge
Mark Dandridge is one of the most active members of the Dwellings of Eldervale Fan Club on Facebook. He recently celebrated 200 plays of Dwellings of Eldervale!!! Mark we salute you and thank you for all the fun you bring to the fan group!
NOTE: Ever since Mark was helped by another group member in his search to purchase Dwellings of Eldervale extras he has been paying it forward and sharing posts when he comes across available items. We all thank you Mark!!!
Think you are a bigger fan than Mark? You have some work ahead of you to prove it. We are always excited to see what fans are sharing about their plays of Dwellings of Eldervale.
Almost Top 100
Dwellings of Eldervale is ranked 118 on BGG. We were at 125 a month ago.
Will we be in the Top 100 before the end of the year?
Holiday Time Dwelling
From all of us here at Breaking Games we wish you the best holiday season!!
We are very excited for what is to come in 2024 and will be back here to share more of that news before you know it!
Thanks for choosing Breaking Games! Enjoy the play
- The Breaking Games Team